About Us

Welcome to my website! I'm Teresa June, owner of the Midlothian based shop, June Bugz Boutique. I am a mom and granny that has worked in customer service for 30 years. I grew up in Dallas, moving to Fort Worth in high school and then to the town I now call home. As a Texas native, I love everything about my country yet glam life! I am a shopping junkie! You know the "sneak the bags in while he's not looking type"! I can't help it, I loveeeeeeeeeeee a bargain, don't you? While working in someone else's store for so long, I dreamt of owning my own! In 2018 I thought I'm gonna do it, took the leap and JBB was born. I knew my genuine love of helping people and my natural obsession of shopping combined would create a match made in heaven! I get to shop non stop to bring treasures at affordable prices for even the savvy girl out there! They say find something you love to do and you'll never consider it work, this is it for me! And what makes my business even more special and dear to my heart is that a lot of the products I showcase are proudly made in the USA by moms like me! AND modeled by REAL women! I believe all women are beautiful and should be celebrated! Browse the site by category, color, or style and grab yourself some glamorous southern charm. Please don't hesitate to message me under the contact me tab with any questions or concerns! :)